Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 79

So today i was late. By half an hour. Not a good look. Not at all. 

Went on outreach events with Jenifer and  Kirabo today which was cool. Weird, but cool. 

We were doing dialogues within the community working with the artisans, so the welder guys who ranged from younger to older. Everything was fine and I started writing down words to know that I heard repeated often and that was helpful. 

The most annoying part was dealing with the drunk men. The drunk old men. That was difficult and I felt quite indignant, but apparently to everyone else, their behavior was not only common, but comical. 

I wanted to turn my head with my nose in the air. 

Instead I returned empty soda bottles to the crate from which they came as they were passed to me and felt like the light skinned outsider with not enough language skills or vocabulary to ease the barrier. 

So that sucked, but the next was better. Except I fell asleep. Ugh. Me and this sleeping business. What is wrong with me. I can now literally sleep anywhere it seems. With any amount if noise. People could be coming to kill me. I'm dead because I didn't hear the dynamite and warning shots you gave once you exploded my door. 

The hell?

So my counterpart took me to meet all these people today. Less formal than yesterday though. I met a tailor named Maria, two of her very best friends, and she introduced me to the local salon. 

Pedicure without polish and I think I'm going to like this place. 

My feet felt so clean!!! Wonderful. Then I had to walk the dusty streets of Mbarara again and once again I looked liked I walk barefoot on jagged rocks minus the cuts and blood. 

My hotel guy showed a different rooms which me and my counterpart thought were apartments for the whole two years. We were disappointed as they were beautiful, but alas I am stuck with the matchstick house. Sigh. 

Then we went back to the hotel an free drinks on the owner!! Love this attitude. So nice. :) met a couple more of Jenifer's friends then went to pass out. 

Thank you for a decent hotel room, with a private smoking balcony at that. Ah. The good life. 

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