Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 70

Time to face the parents. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be sick. 

Finally took my mefloquine today. Gheezeus am I trying to get malaria?!?

I'm less sick than when I first started my trip though. I seriously thought I was dying. 

I had to tell God that my mom couldn't handle that right now and if he could just hold off for a bit. He either listened or it was never in the plans. 

I'm hoping for a mixture. 

Dad was cool. Totally in goof state, but cool. A little less enthused than I had hoped, but mom was kind of the same. 

It was late though when mom was informed as I decided to venture to Target for pre-departure packing. 

Mistake. I ended up nearly in tears and sat on the floor while also reorganizing the shelves due to lack of sleep which then resulted in high levels of indecision. 

I'm a mess. 

Attic searching and then packing. 

Picked up a friends computer today. That freaks me out a little. I hate responsibility. 

I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be ready for it. I'm pretty sure that's where my immaturity blooms from. 

It's decided. I never want to grow up. 

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