Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 140

Wednesday September 11, 2013

I didn't attend a single session today. I mostly just hung around and talked to people some more. Downloaded seasons of shows to my computer. Pretended I was interested in most things that I wasn't. 

It was a good afternoon. Until... 

Until of course I found a bug in my food at lunch. Now when I say bug in my food I mean bug, in my mouth in my food. All of a sudden I felt something unpleasant, put my finger in my mouth and pulled out a full out bug. I nearly vomited.  

I also stopped eating food for the rest of that day. Worst part about that is that the food was actually pretty good this time around. I always try to eat as much as I can at these training a as the food is free. I don't get much free food these days. 

I barely ate dinner either. Just fruit. I wasn't scared of the fruit, I am though ready to escape all these people. 

There is this one group of girls in particular that if I knew where they slept I may find my way in there at night and accidentally fall on their face with a pillow. They are so incredibly loud. So loud. And I'm all about a good time, but I swear it's like they slipped laughing gas into their oxygen supplies along with a mechanism that makes them deaf so they scream louder than the average bear to be heard. 

Dumb girls. 

Anyways thank the that this is the last night. I'm ready. 

I'm not ready to be in Kampala for so many days though.

The tangled web I weave. Ugh. 

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