Sunday, August 11, 2013


Africa isn't the most funnest- yes that's right, funnest place to be doing the walk of shame. 

Of course because its me I'm up super super early regardless of all the alcohol I've assumed and so seven come and I'm up and out of that hotel room. 

Damn this walk through town in the same clothes from yesterday. 

It's early, but a weekend, so I get to talk to home for a bit, mind you during this talk time I'm finding myself becoming increasingly exhausted. 

Instead of sleeping, I get a phone call from my girls. Time to do a drop. I'm finally able to give her the computer I brought back from Buffalo for her. That's a relief for me and I'm sure for her. So there that's done. Can I sleep now?


Walked around a bit today. Finally saw the river I've been talking about and a naked man bathing in it. 

Visited my counterparts house. She's not there still though. In that neighboring district still. And then she's in Kampala next week. What am I going to do with my life???

Decided today that the river may not be the best place for me to be visiting alone and as a girl. Only men were there. That was weird. I only have no interest in seeing men and their packages bathe anymore though either. Embarrassing. Yikes. 

Fell aslee early and was meant to go out again and hang with more volunteers, but hermitism set back in and when I woke up from my nap it was much too late anyways. 

Oh and my counterpart did come back today. She also called and said that in an hour she would be around to pick me up so I could cook pork for her with my spices. 

I lied a I was exhausted and said I was going to see the other volunteers. I I'd neither, but I said she could come pick up the spices. Got the affirmative and then got stood up. So confused. 

So Saturday night was to say the least a bust. Ah, but Dexter. :)

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