Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 158

Sunday September 29th, 2013

One week no smoking. Kill me.

I made a new (non)friend today.

I wake up early and so even though I went to bed last night after two in the morning, I was up by 7/8 and instead of being considerate of my company, I instead decided that I was very interested in cleaning my house, which in light of yesterday's events, I was. I also had a boatload of laundry to do. 

So I quietly excused myself from my bed, proceeded to my bathroom where I closed the door and began to talk to my fiancé while I hand washed all my clothes.

Eventually my company woke and I was informed how she was restless and wanted to go to town. I was still doing laundry. She said I could meet her. That's fine. I now wash my sheets. Bed bugs my ass.

Apparently I was taking too long or I hit a nerve, but I got a call from my company and realized that I would no longer be entertaining this Sunday. Worst bit is that when I found this out I was relieved as I was thinking how I just washed my sheets and how I didn't want another person sleeping in them. 

Problem solved.

So I would have to say that today was a productive Sunday. I cleaned like hell. Laundry, bathroom (and I scrubbed), living room, bedroom, AND I rearranged my furniture. The two items that I have. 

I'm satisfied and feeling quite rejuvenated. 

Hotel rules begin now.

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