Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Falling star

Sometimes you wish for a life that wasn't meant for you, wish for people that if you had you'd tire of and yet sometimes the allure of what if, the allure of what we don't have makes it that much more enticing and sought after.

We find ourselves in relationships that we know we shouldn't be in complaining about what we do and don't deserve. We have such opinions on what our partners should and shouldn't be. Shouldn't they just be them and not a fabrication of our sick and tormented minds? Shouldn't we just leave instead of trying to make it work? Why do we stay? Sometimes sticking ourselves for life.

Life. Long. Stuck.

Sometimes we wish for wealth, for status, sometimes just to disappear. More often than not we think the grass must be greener on the other side when in reality better the devil you know than the devil you don't. We stray because its easier than working for something worth it, yet we stay because its harder to start over. Why not stay because its worth it and leave for the new start, a breath of fresh air?

We think we need 9-5s to feel fulfilled and successful, that the money will heal the wound of our pride along with the loss of our dreams. The money goes too quickly and when death approaches it isn't money we want near, yet that's what we value pushing all else aside. Just for the status. We lose ourselves in work because that is what we are taught to do. The American dream is supposed to be real though right? So why do I still find myself wishing for that dream. Never satiated. Never satisfied. 

Sometimes we wish for a life not meant for us, with people and things we'd be better without, but we don't know what's good until its been replaced and we don't know that we want it until it's too late.

Live in the moment and sure peek at your neighbors yard, just remember you can always do some landscaping of your own. That's what Home Depot's for.

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