Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 135

Friday, September 6th, 2013

On a bus again. God. I wish that I could drive again. I feel like I'm going to forget how to drive. What if I am stuck taking public transportation for the rest of my life?! I don't know if I can do that! I want to drive!! Drive I say.

I really hope it's just like riding a bike.

So I'm headed up to Gulu where I had my tech training to visit my tech week trainer who is soon COSing (close of service) aka she gets to go back home to America. All I can say about that is that part of me hates her and part of me is extremely happy for her. She's a teammate and this is no place to be playing the game. The rules aren't the same and the umps don't play fair.

And for that I'm jealous. I'm ready just to hear rude comments and get funny looks, well I guess I do get that here, but I'm ready for that to be my only repercussion.

Anyways, the north is hot as balls. I swear I have had some stored up inside of me, but the temperature was never high enough for them to make a safe descendent. Thank you Gulu for giving them the opportunity. They have fully dropped and are not currently sweating themselves off.

My bus ride as usual was cramped and too hot for comfort. I sat next to someone, so I was as usual in the aisle. When the fiancé gets here I can't wait to have the two seat row and sit by the window. Yup. I am that selfish.

When getting off my bus I was thoroughly confused and did not know where I was. Luckily my seat mate did. So he directed me, found myself at a lovely mzungu place where I was able to whip out my phone, grab some good food and meet another volunteer from my group who I haven't seen since tech week. Lucky duck, he lives in Gulu.

Anyways after our chat, I found my way to my teammates house and holy the people in the north are so much friendlier than those in the south! Considerably so.

I smile, they smile back. I say hello, they say hi and not I'm fine. It's lovely. AND!!!! The women ride bikes here!! In their skirts!! I'm in love!! Ahhhhhh!!!

So anyways, I make it to my teammates and guess what I see? A rainbow. I think that it knew that I needed it today. So there it was just nestled gently amongst the clouds and then surprised me further when it showed me it had a twin.

I was happier than happy. It made me feel at peace and welcomed in Uganda. Even the sky appreciated teammates. Thank you Ugandan sky. =)

As for my night, that turned into a shit show. Got hit on by some creeper guy. Didn't like it. Then got free tequila shots, then got a burger that potentially was filled with Mad Cow Disease where the night then proceeded to open up for me a free room which was weird because that just doesn't happen. Ever.

Oh well!! Free drinks! Leg hopping contests AND free rooms!!

The hot water wasn't working properly though.


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