Thursday, January 12, 2017

This is getting tough

So it has been 12 days. Not even a full week and #nospend2017 is already proven to be difficult. Two things, well multiple things.

1. We started envelopes
2. We've already had to readjust the starting budget for one of those envelopes
3. Budgeting is hard
4. Shutterfly has unlimited prints right now and I want to order them but can't because you know shipping and handling
5. My wife did her first spending yesterday! Under budget again!
6. We keep trying to make excuses for things like wine and this party we want to go to but can't because Toronto and no free parking
7. This shit is making us resourceful as fuck.
8. This shit is making us a little depressed as fuck.
9. Dinners have been on point.
10. People have been super kind and generous and are making this first month a (relative) breeze from my parents to our friends to co-workers who don't have to, but have shared food, money (as in they bought stuff and shared it with us), wine-and yeah we have awesome people around us.
11. We are beginning to understand that if we didn't pack enough food that morning or night, then SOL to us because there is no Burger King or McDonald's or even an order of fries. Game done if we did not plan ahead.
12. Banana bread with part wheat flour =💣.com
13. I'm feeling very creative
14. We have more time.
15. We have had many revelations about life/society/culture/greed/the difference between wants and needs
16. It is only January 12th
17. My wife suggested hiking
18. We are waiting for summer (for more free stuff to do)
19. I don't feel like I need to spend money
20. Sometimes I want to spend money
21. My wife and I think this is going to be a real game changer

I heard a phrase today. A French phrase (thanks Twinsters). The phrase is...

"le mieux est l'ennemi du bien"

Translated as "the best is the enemy of the good." Meaning we should be happy with what we have. That we shouldn't always be searching for better, but to be satisfied and happy with what we have presently. It really spoke to me especially considering #nospend2017 and it is going to be part of my mantra moving forward. I don't think it means to settle (in a shitty situation), but I think it speaks to joy and contentment and everyday beauty and moments. And that. That makes me smile. So hears a big Fuck yeah even if it's a struggle. Here's to you #nospend2017 😘😘😘

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