Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Powers of Cognition

I've come to a lot of realizations today.

1. I love being outside of the office. It greatly improves my mood.
2. I know more than I think I do which is actually more than the average bear.
3. I am easily irritated.
4. In accordance with 2., people = stupid.
5. I have a low attention span.

Oh right and this may be the most important of all(although the list does continue)-

6. I am no longer allowed to watch love sappy movies. They are ruining my life.

Now it is time for me to tell you how I came about these wonderful realizations.  I wasn't in the office today due to training at the Red Cross. SCORE!! I was in the best mood ever today. On my lunch I had to go to work and brag because I did something amazing without even realizing how amazing it was and as it was work related and I felt like a manic-depressant, which I must confess I know would now be diagnosed as having bi-polar disorder, I felt the utter urge to traipse into that wonderful place I would like to call my home away from home and share my good mood and good news.

As I was smiling, everyone was concerned. Not because I in-particular was smiling, but because it was too much happy for anyone to handle, especially after lunch time.  I think that happiness makes people nervous sometimes. You may as well be talking to yourself on a street corner. "Oh my... That women said hello to me! What ever is the matter with her? Poor dear. She must have the happies. Tsk Tsk."  I imagine it goes something like that. You don't see many happy people nowadays let alone a smile.  But, I digress, that is beside the point.  The point is I was in a good mood due to being outside of the office and because of my awesomeness which provided me with bragging rights which will be lasting me the remainder of the week and extending to a partial duration of the next as well.

Now this training was a real eye opener and not necessarily on the topic being presented because although I learned, well was refreshed of the many mental illnesses that are out on the market today, that wasn't what kept my interest.  What kept me awake, surprisingly enough was those falling asleep around me and the idiot things that people say and the seeming lack of knowledge they possess. It's like a hidden wart, that isn't really so hidden and yes, I am repulsed. Go freeze it off. By all means, you should really talk to a doctor about that.  Needless to say, it was a rough day.

Basically today was a big day for me to learn about myself. I found myself judging a woman across from me who I had assumed to be an educated black woman, until of course she opened her mouth and compelled me to change my mind with her slow speech and struggle for words that ended up stringing themselves along in forms of "they was" and "preach teachah." I felt that if she asked another question or tried to do another funny, that I might have to resign from my seat of silent staring and take a walk to high five her face. It was the least I could do.

In the middle of being lectured I found myself doing kegels. Yes I was kegeling. I'm sure you're jealous or doing them right now as you read this. One of the two, but there I was front row as my younger years have taught me, straight backed and counting reps of ten kegels.  I heard not a word my presenter said for those 6-8 minutes. I had to focus on my muscle control. Who does that?!

Before I began the kegels, and so I blame my thighs or my toes, whichever is up for the brunt of shame, I was trying to contain my fidgety ways by crossing my legs and delicately placing my hands about my knees in a very professional lady like manner.  I soon realized that I can no longer cross my legs for extended periods of time as the weight of my thighs has exceeded the desired weight for resting upon one another.  It was much too overwhelming and so my toes even protested by falling asleep.  As I write this my toes are again off to dreamland as I foolishly haven't learned a thing.  Just a fleeting realization that results in the most unpleasant tingling sensation.  I must uncross now though, as my knee is also beginning to snooze. Stupid thighs.

At one point I thought that today was the BEST DAY EVER, feeling quite inspired being in a lecture and wanting to go back to school and feeling that I had such good things to say in today's blog, I clearly have forgotten them all, that I was racing home to compile this bit together.  This balloon was successfully deflated once I returned from lunch where it appeared that everyone had the 'itis.' I laughed at the girl across from me as her head lolled back and forth and her eyes appeared as if she had been smoking marijuana with no ventilation for a month straight. No breaks. Yup, that's what she looked like.  Her colleague came quickly into a second place in the race for who can hit the table first as he began to put his feet on his chair, bringing his knees to his chin and resting his cheek there with eyes closed.  I'm sorry, how old are we? Oh right. I was the youngest. Everyone else was late twenties, early thirties young and everyone else was just old(er).

I'm not sure, but I think I am kind of a big deal. I mean so people may look at it as an issue, but hey I don't pay attention in training, I may be really quite uncomfortably close to being fired from my job, I mean what else can I get away with? I think I may try for not reading like back in the old days of college. Oh, right. I have homework from the training I didn't pay attention to, but right now, I would rather sleep. So I think I might do that, but only after this-

Interesting Fact 
  Many infections can not pass through the blood-brain (yes I said blood-brain) barrier, leaving your brain safe and intact while your body fights a raging war. HIV can.

Yes, my title is HIV Educator. I am filled with interesting facts. Time to learn more so that I can educate the masses.

Hmmmm, so I know on some level this is such a stupid thing to think and ask, but why can't the educator already be inherently learned?  Why must the teacher learn if he must also teach?  The teachee has it good, all they have to do is learn. Slacker.

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