I am losing it. I came home from work, a half an hour early because we had a working lunch because of the state stuff and like I said, this morning's run killed me. I felt like I wasn't going to even make it to five, so I had to leave.
I left. I left and came home, had some delicious baked mac and cheese and laid in my bed and slowly drifted off to dream land. My alarm was set for 9pm.
7:12 p.m.- My eyes shoot open.
What is that God-awful noise?! The basement door is open and there is no muffling of the upstairs noises. I hear everything. People are screaming, literally screaming, yelling each other's names, belting out songs, banging on the piano, and I know I sound like the fun killer right now, but please please people, just close the damned basement door.
Why are you jumping up and down in the house like you are jumping rope? What are you doing up there? Murdering someone? I don't understand how all this noise is being produced or why. I want to die.
I lay there for a second thinking about whether I am going to contribute to the hub-bub of things and I decide that I should just get up and close the basement door even though I know the risk is wide eyed cranky werewolf-ishness.
It has begun. I am the crankiest girl you ever did meet at this moment. Please. Stay away.
I feel like a werewolf because I feel like I am slowly turning, my shoulder twitching up to my ear and chin as my head simultaneously tilts and turns to the left. My senses become heightened, my eyes squint. I'm thirsty for blood and the next person that gets in my way will fall prey to my new super human strength aka I'm effing irritated. Poor victim was my unsuspecting, unoffending little brother. He walks down the basement steps and I bark to him to make sure the door is closed when he goes up as I am about to lose it. He earlier closed the door for me and doesn't realize that it has been open for forever now and says how it has been closed and I inform him, no, I just closed that. He gets a little offensive.
He comes down again. I apologize and am now zombie eyed in the bed as my werewolf is beginning to wear off-only slightly. I am seated up right in my bed looking absolutely crazy as I complain to my brother about the raucous above us. He agrees. Thank God for blood and a life before this. Hell thank God for a life after this.
He ventures above ground again leaving me alone to deal with the still so loud noise party above even with the muffling of the floor boards. Next thing I know someone is screaming another person's name which I don;'t get because why can't you just go looking for the person? The house is not at all that large. Soon I will be implementing the ringing bell so that if you hear the bell you will have your attention captured instead of this top of the lung screaming business. Needless to say, I can't keep in my werewolf any longer and howl a so nasty howl that sounded something like oh my God, but very strangled and full of distress.
I then hastily grab my trusty CareBear blanket which has been half way across the world with me and an oversized pillow. One of my stepsisters is at the top of the stairs as I reach the bottom and she is wondering if I am ok, if I am hurt. Physically I am not. Mentally there may be a sprain somewhere that if isn't treated will most definitely lead to a break. My mother is wondering what is going on and as I look completely haggard as I did just get up from my bed, she appears quite concerned.
I exclaim that I am moving out. I then proceed to the front of the house, past the living room and out the front door with pillow and blanket in tow. As I attempted to lay down and sleep in the driveway I realize that this is a bit unreasonable and with my disorientation circle my mother's car twice thinking only about car keys, my car keys as I opt for the comfort of my car. I then remember that my keys are in the basement lair and I don't care to venture back down there and so I walk back through the front door, past the living room, through the kitchen, through the sliding door that leads me to the garage. We have a love seat out there that I have decided to lay in. I still hear my mother and my brother and I realize defeated, that I give up. I return back to the house while suggestions to close the garage door and what not are thrown at me.
Enough. You win. I lose. And I am wide awake. The search for apartments begins.
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