Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 132

Tuesday September 3rd, 2013

Cut my scalp on the pointy part of a window while walking into a school to do these 'talks.' It hurts so much. 

Many of the schools were either not open, or told me to come back. Unimpressed. Lack of program stresses me out. Entirely. 

I'm craving corn dogs. I want corn dogs in December. Please? 

Why can't it always be hot in NY like here in Uganda? I just want a corndog. 

So here in Uganda I know that everyone gassed and lots of it because everyone is running around with a shit ton of kids, my thing is that unless its a health talk you never hear anyone talking about it or doing it. 

I swear. When do you have time to have sex? When do you have sex? If I was a woman in this society, there wouldn't be any time. I'm cleaning, cooking, watching our boatload of bad ass children running around with knives and machetes and you want to put your feet up and etch me work, then climb on top of me for sex? 


No. I don't think so. Even if there is sex happening. Other than the man, who is enjoying it? The woman? I think no. Maybe that's why no one talks about it and why you never hear people. 

It happens, the kids are proof, but I'm beginning to wonder if all this women aren't like Mother Mary with sprinkled stardust of immaculate conception throughout Uganda. 

This sounds like a mystery to be solved.  

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