Last night around midnight I am sound asleep and I hear knocking. I think I'm dreaming. I am not. I am terrified and I finally get up and go to the door. When I open it. No one is there.
I lay back down freaked out and just as I'm trying to get back to sleep, the phone rings and once again scares the shit out of me.
I answer, it's the hotel staff. They apologize for distirbing me and then there is dead air. "Can I help you?" You called me, but can I help you? Im irritated. They ask if I'm Kathryn, Kathryn Smith. Why yes. Yes I am. Well apparently they are requesting I pay for the drinks from earlier as the manager has said he won't pay for them.
Um... can I talk to you about this in the morning?!? What the hell?
I told them to bill the room.
Funny thing is I met up with Trisha today, my closest volunteer to head to Bushyeni and visit the other southwest girls. She asked if I was saying there at the hotel, by name and the description mzungu. Funny thing. They said no.
I don't know how as you just rang my phone down and came knocking on my door last night looking for Kathryn Smith, the mzungu.
So over them.
So back yo the trip to Bushyeni. That was an adventure.
Got to see Elmy's place, which I love especially since its small like mine and so it gives me hope. Hers is a bit nicer, well much nicer. She has tile and a toilet and really large widows and privacy. I'm jealous. She also has a kitchen sink. Damnit.
But all in all things were good. Told my home story and was asked a million things about America as if none of them had been there before or were never going back. It was cute.
It was nice being around people again and not just staying in the hotel and being on. I like being off sometimes. Lets me recharge.
I think that's what weekends with the girls will be. Recharges.
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