Rushed to work today for a meeting that I thought started at 8. You know. The one I was late to last week, well nope. Not at all. It's 8:10 and I'm writing here.
Just the ramblings of a plain-Jane girl trying to figure this thing called life out one step at a time. Please don't be offended at my mundane findings.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Day 95
Late start again today.
Going to town to pick up some plastics and food. Trouble is I never know what I'm going to make here.
Ugh. What's for dinner?!?
Day 93
Thought I was late again today. Again. I thought wrong.
Had another meeting today.
This man though was very Ugandan and very westernized. He was very to the point and unbearably bold. His delegation was completely Ugandan. Not just his position.
He brought my serious voice out today and although I don't quite care for him as he threw a lot of people under the bus and called them out in what to me was mixed company, he informed us, an outside agency how his worker does not work and is highly incompetent.
I was embarrassed for her.
I was happy to leave that meeting although it gave me insight into what my organization does and the gaps in which I may be able to fill. So I am excited to work with him and his organization, but I don't look forward to working directly with him. He's rude.
Leaving that place I had to pee so badly and I swear the roaches are out to get me. Out I say.
I not so much as ran to the bathroom when we returned to work and I'm not sure why I feel so compelled to save water, but I only peed so I felt that I didn't need to full flush.
So I slightly pulled the handle. Not satisfied with the results I gently pulled again. Still no. So this time I pulled a bit harder. Still not a full flush, but hard enough to shoot a cockroach into the toilet bowl!!
I swear I thought it was going to shoot at my feet and I would have to go back to America. The day a cockroach touches me. I may have to leave. I can't. Ugh. And it was huge!!! Why are they so big?
Please. I just want to cry.
Was supposed to pick up my wardrobe today. Instead I was ditched. So I went to the store an bought coriander for guac and cheese for my pasta tonight.
I don't like the cheese. I learned that the hard way. That was a lot of money for stuff I could have bought myself. Ugh.
Coworker took me to te place called Heat tonight. They had fried pork. I'm with it! And the place is huge!
I also got us free goat, which with its distinct smell I can't bring myself to eat. Free beers were also in the deal. Nice. For once I like being a mzungu. :) It has its perks.
I was so full from preparing dinner for myself before my coworker came to take me to this place that I was fuller than a stuffed turkey at thanksgiving.
I ended up being sick which I thought would make me feel more sick, but I actually felt better.
Also these 500 mL beers may be the death of me. Hot damn they are huge. Four will put you under.
Talked to my mom about her birthday and my future when I got home. I also informed her that I'm over Uganda presently. As much as I am I don't feel the need to come home though.
Maybe that will change.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Day 92
Had to pick something up at another volunteer's office today.
Was nervous I was going to be late and then I realized once I had my items and waited at work for over half an hour, that clearly time is not an issue here.
Had a meeting at one of the 'fancy' hotels here in Mbarara. Still no real burgers. Oh well. I suppose I can make them myself.
The meeting was so long and drawn out. I swear the people were speaking words, but they weren't saying a thing. With introductions and titles and background about this person and that person, the societal dynamics are just very interesting.
I was surprised yesterday as someone was speaking and talking about budget cuts and how a certain DHO because his transport wasn't covered he wouldn't attend an event. He apparently asked the coordinator if he was expected to take public transportation where the coordinator then backed this man and said why have him come here and be in bad spirits?
I couldn't believe this. They expect clients to take public transport or walk. Why are you enlarge it? Because we can call you by name by simply letters? It was disheartening.
The beautiful part didn't come near the end when another DHO member stood up and said disgrace to the person who said this as if there is money, ok, if not, ten we are still there to serve the people if Uganda. That brought light back into my heart.
It was just a funny meeting. Very long. Not very informational. Mostly political. Kind of showing face and puffing out chests. I want no part in it.
The food was good though. Local, but good. Ate chicken, basmati rice, beans af they had green beans with carrots, with BUTTER!!! Oh my lanta. Made me so happy.
I are my face off. Then came home and warmed up my leftover curry which I made spicier. I know what to do now. I'm excited. Yay!!
Today was not so fun of a day for me though. I was very tired and very irritable. It seemed like everyone was staring at me harder than usual today. Everyone. And the men were gross. I couldn't take it.
I just wanted to scream! What are you looking at?!? I also want to figure out how to say that it's not very nice to stare.
I do know how to say you have bad manners. Somewhere. Oh, that reminds me.
This past Sunday when Nicole (another volunteer) and I were going to eat, an old man grabbed me, hard and I mean rougher than I expected. He was so strong. And old. I was surprised at his strength, but there he was vice gripping my arm and asking me for money.
I said I didn't have any. He didn't listen. Irepeated myself. The grip got tighter. I was nervous.
He eventually left, but it took some doing and some arm bending. For the first time in Uganda I actually felt fearful.
I didn't like it. At all.
I'm hoping that was the first and last time.
Just greet me and get surprised that I know some local language. That's all. I can pass that test.
Bed. Well some Dexter first, but yes bed.
Oh and apparently I am spoiling all my things, my ceiling on my verandah, my 'stove' and I need to mop.
My neighbor girl told me so.
Getting schooled by a schoolgirl. How embarrassing.
Day 91
I've been up since three this morning.
Stayed up until 10. Thought I was going to sleep then watched some Dexter. Now it is 12. Ok. I really need to sleep. Slept until 2. Felt worse than before.
Got up. Today is the day I need to get my house situated.
Instead I find another cockroach. Ugh. I find a bucket lid and trap him. Except this time I don't want to kill him and make him suffer in my bedroom, so I slide the lid through my bedroom, through my living room and forcefully flick the stupid roach out of my house. I should have killed it there. I didn't.
On my list of house supplies. Roach spray. I'm no longer playing. I will kill a roach. Yuck.
I also bought loads of Tupperware containers as everything needs to be sealed tight. I'm not playing anymore. No food in the house. Nothing. Yuck. Over it.
Made dinner tonight. Curry and rice. I'm actually really proud of myself as the curry didn't completely suck. It had subtle flavor, but it was flavor and it was good. Not spicy enough, but now I know.
I also didn't burn the rice!!! Didn't know what to do with my leftovers so I kept them in the pot on the floor. I need a table in there. If I'm going to be cooking on a sagyrie (spelling) and what not. It's not good for my back.
My neighbor boy fell today and split open his mouth. I'm pretty sure they think it was my fault as I tried to help him up and then blood started pouring out of his mouth. It was bad. I felt bad.
My neighbor girls at least like me and have dedicated themselves to being my teachers. How cute. Patricia and Josephine. They make up for the demon child.
Trying to figure out what I'm cooking tomorrow and keeping a look out for roaches.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Day 90
It was unexpectedly quiet last night.
No people noises just the cockroach and the dogs. By lanta those dogs. There are so many of them and I'm not sure who's idea it was, but they have sectioned off a whole goggle of them to be in the puppy choir and boy do they howl.
The sounds of this place. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to miss them. It is helping me to learn to sleep anywhere and through anything though. I have yet to decide if that's a good or a bad thing.
I mean my doors here are big enough and loud enough that I'm assuming I would wake up from them opening. I do in the morning. From my neighbors doors. Not mine.
Went on an outreach today. Of course there was a drunk man. He asked me for money. I flipped my ring.
Then there was another guy, my age, in a pink shirt. He kept telling me how nice my jumper was and get him one. Give him one. He wants to marry a white because they have so much love. And they have money. Great.
The culture is so different here. If you have it, then I must have it too.
So every month without fail I complain about my period. I think it sucks. Hard. Well today I thought I might be bleeding on myself. Asked where the latrine was.
I stepped in and stepped out. It was the pit latrine I've heard horror stories about where people fall through and either drown in excrement or have to wade in it for hours until they are rescued. I have no desire to do either.
These latrine covers are made of sticks and mud and dung. You can imagine how the materials can become conpromises after pee splashes on them. It weakens their constitution. And mine.
On a brighter note, got paid today so I get to cook. Still not on my stove, but at least the food will be warm!!!
Ooh! And I saw a flock if crested cranes today. Like fifteen. Apparently that isn't common. Oh. The crested crane is Uganda's national bird. So pretty. You should google it.
Rounded up the night walking a mile and having my counterpart force me to cook. It was so late when we got back I had absolutely no desire to.
I did learn how to cook on a charcoal stove though. Made too much food and!! Ugh my counterpart set the roach free!!!
She wanted to wash her hands so I told her to go inside. She had asked earlier where my dishes bucket was and I said inside and that we can't use it right now because there is a roach trapped. I told her this so she didn't accidentally move the bucket and lid and let him out.
She acted all surprised and then after washing her hands she told me how she purposely set it free. Oh an how she lost it. What the hell?!? I wanted to cry.
Luckily we found it. She smoothed it in my broom. The broom stayed in the kitchen that night.
So did the prison lid.
So tired. Day off tomorrow. I will sleep.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Day 89
I'm beginning to think my visitors have out stayed their welcome.
So it wasn't enough that I was wired from watching Dexter last night, but then as I'm laying in bed playing on my phone and sending messages I hear something.
All I can think is oh my God if there is a rodent in my room right now, I'm going back to America. I'm going back to America with stoves and non cement floors and heated water.
Thankfully for Peace Corps it wasn't a rat. Instead it's a bloody cockroach just chilling out on my flip flops. I freak out. I don't know what to do and I can't smash it, one because I honestly don't think I'm physically capable as I failed the first night I encountered these things. And two, apparently they give off these pheromones that attract other roaches when I do that.
So I dance around and sing a couple songs with this bugger as he scurries around my room. At one point he turns around and charges me and I lose it.
Thankfully I regained my composure and took the lid of my bucket in which I wash my dishes and successfully place it over him or her.
So now I am slowly torturing this cockroach as I will not remove the lid until life has been sucked from his crunchy body from starvation.
Yes I'm sick. Cruel and sick.
All I know is that why the hell didn't my door stopper work?!?
Also. As I'm writing this I can hear the nasty thing crawling around under the lid looking for a way out. It's creeping the mess out of me.
So I think I shall put on some tunes to drown out the sound.
Finishing season one of Dexter probably wasn't the best choice either. Oh well.
Sweet dreams.
Day 88
Sunday funday.
Went to visit my coworker today. She's sick. Malaria she says. Negative says the test. Lets treat says the doctor.
How to battle that mentality I'm not sure. And it's a wonder that resistant strains are emerging like puddles during a rainstorm.
That was probably a bad analogy. Oh well.
Today was a day of complaints. Like the way people drive here as if closest to where you're walking in the only space on the road, or the roosters and other various feathered beings that have become more than annoying with their caws and crows and clucks and shut the fuck up. Please?
I didn't share the story of my little neighbor demon child boy. He's touched.
When I moved in last week that Thursday this little boy is curious and is in my house with me as I'm straightening up. We are talking. I'm speaking Ruyankore. He's writing. Cool beans. I like kids. Whatever.
Then he grabs something and I try to get it back from him. Holy hell the scream. Not only is he doing the annoying scream that I can not stand even though its only been roughly 24 hours, but he also starts screaming for his mother.
What the hell?!?
Finally I win since I'm bigger and stronger, but he's not done. As I'm placing the thing that we've been fighting over down, he gives me thee nastiest stink eye and proceeds to grab things off my table and fling them around the room.
He has yet to learn that I will hit a child.
In this culture it is common to threaten to beat children. When I say it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to mean it as a promise. Not a threat. I wanted to beat that little boy.
Then his mother who he had been calling for shows up and proceeds to tell me that he will destroy all my things because he doesn't know me. What?!?
This is the time when I find these backpack leashes appropriate. Please put him on a backpack leash.
So basically, this little boy is on my list of complaints. My other neighbor kids though, they are sweet. They still call me mzungu, no matter how many times I have told them my name, but instead of throwing my things they run to give me hugs and talk to me in English and Ruyankore.
Speaking of mzungu. The demon child. After I shut my door once his mother took him from my premises, he came to my porch area and began his terrible screaming and chanting, but he was chanting mzungu. Ugh.
Can't I just not be mzungu? I don't want to be mzungu. Not in my home. Not at my home. Not around my home. Just not anywhere period. And no. It is quite unlike green eggs and ham as I will never like mzungu. And that is final.
Ok starting Peace Corps life with a Dexter marathon and some beer.
Why hadn't I ever watched this before?!?
Day 87
So last night when we got home I saw a roach scurry out of my bedroom and under the living room door.
This gives me hope that the roaches don't actually live in my place, but simply come to visit me.
So after a day of touring the good ol' city of Mbarara with my five other southwest girls and a much needed nap, I decided to construct a door stopper magig.
How to make door stopper magig.
Necessary items-
-duct tape
-belief that roaches are truly merely visitors and not residents.
-dumbbells (optional)
Step 1. Find some cardboard.
Step 2. Make sure you have enough cardboard to double up.
Step 3. Cut out cardboard. Place one on top of the other making sure for width and length to fit door.
Step 4. Tape together with duct tape.
Step 5. Test out stopper. If there is any visible light coming through, duct tape top of stopper to bottom of door.
Step 6. Place dumbbells on top of stopper to ensure even less area for roaches to pass.
Enjoy a roach free home!
Now we wait.
Pineapple for dinner. Yum. Chapati too.
Now bed. We're pooped.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Day 86
So much for sleeping in.
I've been awake since three this morning and to my delight I've discovered roaches. Big ones. Two of them. I tried to kill one, as the other lost itself, but instead became a girl and threw my show at it an lost that one too.
Why do I have roaches? I swear Africa is the season of the roaches. I'm over them, but apparently I am destined to cohabit with the ugly gross suckers. Yuck.
I don't know what to do. I really don't.
So needless to say. I didn't sleep. Not until around seven. Forty five minutes later, the visiting volunteer called to let me know she arrived. Ugh.
Tried to go back to sleep. No go. Met her at this place called the golf course. They have free wifi. I ate mystery meat again. I swear. Just like America, because that is not beef. Please. I just want a burger. Oh well.
Went out.
That was an experience. Again at the golf course, but up top on the roof. So that was cool.
The boys were ok. Met a creep girl. Decided I couldn't be there anymore and so my 'friend' and his friends dropped us off. That was nice.
Glad we didn't have to walk back in the dark.
I did feel bad though as we came home we were loud, but I suppose it's ok. My neighbor boy is always screaming. I'm waiting for the day he gets cracked in the mouth.
Day 85
Thursday and I arrived at work before anyone else. Makes sense.

We went to Isingero today where we have a start up project where we are doing HIV testing and counseling at a health center.
I was told that I'll be coming there often. I haven't decided how I feel about that since they say that when you go there for longer than a week that you 'cut weight.'
They also say there is no water. Dear God.
It was good to be there though. There was an event happening. They worked with mothers to find out their status and those that were positive, they then worked with keeping them adherent to medication regimens which resulted in their children remaining negative.
It was inspiring to see.
They had these shirts that said, "I am free ..." And then on the back, "... coz you cared!"
Sweetest thing ever.
I feel proud to be involved with an organization that recognizes and work with women to make such impact full strides.
The ride there was also breathtaking. I'm just ready to start doing something. To make a difference. No matter how small.
Returned home to my house tonight and it was really nice. It's just nice to be. Curry chicken at City Top and I'm a broke girl. Budgeted well though. I've got enough to pay for the wardrobe an had minimal balance owed. Lets see if he lets me take the sucker home.
Free day tomorrow. Another volunteer gets in and we shall hang. Excitement. I will also attempt to sleep in.
Ah sleep. Why do you evade me?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Day 83
Saw my house today and I realize that I am a spoiled spoiled brat.
The landlord has done wonderful things with the place and I am entirely grateful as it looks like a whole new mini apartment. I can't wait to decorate.
Currently though decorating is out of my reach as I did not realize that I didn't have all my money and so I purchased my custom wardrobe instead of gas for my stove and so I shan't be cooking things for some time.
Yay planning me. I also didn't write my budget.
I also keep eating things that I don't want to eat. Yuck. Today I did this twice. Once during an outreach in which I completely fell asleep in the car and then again after seeing my house and then being invited to my counterparts home.
The first thing is called a porridge. It's not thick though as you drink it out of a straw. The name of the grain is escaping me at present, but I must admit, I hate it.
So I say there and drank a full like two cups worth f this sticky creamy watery grossness and felt to throw up te hole time. Obusheera? You and I? We are not friends.
So the boys took me there. Then later that evening my counterpart fed me matoke bananas, but not cooked like matoke with pieces of eggplant, onion and tomato, covered with beans and a ghee sauce. Ghee is creamy white stuff from a cow that tastes like cheese.
I'm sure I wouldn't like it if I saw it first. Eating it wasn't so bad, but my stomach is in sorts. She is once again unimpressed with me. Yuck.
So I have a sink now and things seem to be going well.
Lets just see if I really move in tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Day 84
This morning as I was packing up the rest of my things in my hotel room to move to my house, I checked under the bed as I do in any hotel room.
To my surprise and disgust I found a used condom and its wrapper laying next to the box of condoms from which it came. Lord help me. I've been sleeping in a bed of sin for the past week.
Today is move in day. Unfortunately I didn't move in until around four in the afternoon which turned into five which then turned into let me kill myself.
I'm really bad with time, but gheeze, I'm not this bad.
It was a struggles to be able to get to my place and get my stuff from my place and get it to the house. Grabbed stored stuff from another volunteers org. No sleeping bag though. All I could think was oh God. Now, I have to purchase a mattress.
So I did. This better be the best sleep ever for how much this damn mattress costs.
No wardrobe. It's not even put together yet. Oh Mr. Carpenter man. You shall never see my business again. And you need more money from me? For what?!? You have all the supplies. Ugh. Fine. Take UGX 50,000. I didn't need to eat.
So getting my be was a hassle. It didn't reach my house until after 8 pm. It also was still wet with staining. How am I supposed to breathe and wake up in the morning? Mixing the paint and the varnish I swear I'm high typing this.
Counterpart came and brought me food. So nice. Unfortunately she now knows that I smoke as I smoked in my bathroom for no one to see then stashed the pack in a box, which she went into immediately. Gheezeus.
Yes I'm a smoker. Kill me.
So my bed finally arrived. I'm happy to sleep. Let you know if I wake up in the morning.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Day 82
Oh Monday. You're a bitch.
Late today. Not like that's anything new, but apparently there are meetings in Monday that start at 8. I arrived at 8:50. Whoops.
This is a great way to start off my two years.
Went to drop off certificates today. I mostly feel like a lackey right now who doesn't even know who to follow behind. Was told I would be part of the grant proposal committee today. Had to inform my org that that wasn't my role and that in fact, I had never written a grant before
in my life.
They seemed shocked.
Jenifer told me today how she wished she could show me how to do reports so that I could do them for her.
I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing here for two years, but it damn sure wont be report writing or grant proposals.
Language is kicking my ass. The entire staff was encouraged to speak to me strictly in Runyankore. I suck. And I give the blankets faces when I don't understand except no one really comes to my rescue.
Brought my study books out today and mostly everyone who tries to help me just confused me more. They know Runyankore like I know English. I don't know why it is. I just know it is.
So it's not very helpful. At all.
Didn't eat tonight as I realized I have absolutely no money. Well I lied. I did eat. Two bags of grab bag chips, welchs gummies, a bag if beef jerky, and a fiber bar. Sounds good to me.
Tried to watch a movie and fell asleep texting. Tomorrow I am sitting down and doing a budget. Gheeze this sucks.
Oh and my wardrobe wasn't ready today. That's what I'm assuming at least. The guy pretended to be all shocked when we stopped by today.
Apparently it's at the shop being cut since there was no power on Saturday. I'm pretty sure you just make mass amounts of items, so when I special order and I need it by Wednesday, maybe that should take priority since you already have five beds of the same size just there that were here last time I saw you.
Ugh. I'm so American.
Yeah. So about that price Mr. Carpenter man.
Day 81
Back to Mbarara. Poor Trisha isn't feeling too hot.
Tried to eat as much food as possible since apparently I had to pay for things that I was never going to eat. Damn siracha and cauliflower. Had to get my money's worth. I don't think I did.
Ate mystery meat today in a burger. Couldn't eat all of it and I'm happy I didn't as it gave me explosive shits way soon after ingesting it.
Today was lazy. Fell asleep in the packed sedan that at one point had seven of us in it. They sure get their money's worth.
Realized I hate the word mzungu again and then tried to get over it. I'm sure my test will soon come.
Really tired. Headed to bed. I need to find some airtime tomorrow. Haven't been able to respond to people for some time now. Whoops.
Day 80
So apparently drinks were not on the manager. Partly.
Last night around midnight I am sound asleep and I hear knocking. I think I'm dreaming. I am not. I am terrified and I finally get up and go to the door. When I open it. No one is there.
I lay back down freaked out and just as I'm trying to get back to sleep, the phone rings and once again scares the shit out of me.
I answer, it's the hotel staff. They apologize for distirbing me and then there is dead air. "Can I help you?" You called me, but can I help you? Im irritated. They ask if I'm Kathryn, Kathryn Smith. Why yes. Yes I am. Well apparently they are requesting I pay for the drinks from earlier as the manager has said he won't pay for them.
Um... can I talk to you about this in the morning?!? What the hell?
I told them to bill the room.
Funny thing is I met up with Trisha today, my closest volunteer to head to Bushyeni and visit the other southwest girls. She asked if I was saying there at the hotel, by name and the description mzungu. Funny thing. They said no.
I don't know how as you just rang my phone down and came knocking on my door last night looking for Kathryn Smith, the mzungu.
So over them.
So back yo the trip to Bushyeni. That was an adventure.
Got to see Elmy's place, which I love especially since its small like mine and so it gives me hope. Hers is a bit nicer, well much nicer. She has tile and a toilet and really large widows and privacy. I'm jealous. She also has a kitchen sink. Damnit.
But all in all things were good. Told my home story and was asked a million things about America as if none of them had been there before or were never going back. It was cute.
It was nice being around people again and not just staying in the hotel and being on. I like being off sometimes. Lets me recharge.
I think that's what weekends with the girls will be. Recharges.
Day 79
So today i was late. By half an hour. Not a good look. Not at all.
Went on outreach events with Jenifer and Kirabo today which was cool. Weird, but cool.
We were doing dialogues within the community working with the artisans, so the welder guys who ranged from younger to older. Everything was fine and I started writing down words to know that I heard repeated often and that was helpful.
The most annoying part was dealing with the drunk men. The drunk old men. That was difficult and I felt quite indignant, but apparently to everyone else, their behavior was not only common, but comical.
I wanted to turn my head with my nose in the air.
Instead I returned empty soda bottles to the crate from which they came as they were passed to me and felt like the light skinned outsider with not enough language skills or vocabulary to ease the barrier.
So that sucked, but the next was better. Except I fell asleep. Ugh. Me and this sleeping business. What is wrong with me. I can now literally sleep anywhere it seems. With any amount if noise. People could be coming to kill me. I'm dead because I didn't hear the dynamite and warning shots you gave once you exploded my door.
The hell?
So my counterpart took me to meet all these people today. Less formal than yesterday though. I met a tailor named Maria, two of her very best friends, and she introduced me to the local salon.
Pedicure without polish and I think I'm going to like this place.
My feet felt so clean!!! Wonderful. Then I had to walk the dusty streets of Mbarara again and once again I looked liked I walk barefoot on jagged rocks minus the cuts and blood.
My hotel guy showed a different rooms which me and my counterpart thought were apartments for the whole two years. We were disappointed as they were beautiful, but alas I am stuck with the matchstick house. Sigh.
Then we went back to the hotel an free drinks on the owner!! Love this attitude. So nice. :) met a couple more of Jenifer's friends then went to pass out.
Thank you for a decent hotel room, with a private smoking balcony at that. Ah. The good life.
Day 78
Thursday and its my first day at work.
I'm not sure what I will be doing here. I'm exhausted and just learning about the center.
We seem to do a lot, it's just highly not disorganized, but just a bit... How do you say... I can't find the proper word.
It's just like my old job. Very unstructured. Yes. That's the word.
So I've just been meeting everyone and using language. I suck. I feel like I'm right back in Ibanda talking to my family except these people know a bit more, but then some don't. It's really hard to tell.
Met some higher ups and police. The police told me they will come to my house when I move in and what not and requested my contact information. I refused. No thank you creeper cop. I have enough phone calls from people not in uniform.
Creeper. Like I haven't dealt with enough cops in my life (I just threw up a little).
Also found a carpenter for building stuff for my house. Wardrobe please. Special made. It is costing a lot though. Yuck. And he would not bargain. We get to see it on Monday. I'm so excited. So very excited!!!
Got picked up by my counterpart today. Tomorrow I'm on my own. Lets see how that goes.
Day 77
I hate traveling in Uganda. Thankfully Peace Corps gave me a ride to Mbarara today.
Too bad my house still isn't ready aka I hate it especially since they gave me standards, which they did not live up to. So now I'm staying in a hotel for a week yet again with money that I for have for spending on food every day.
So my house is small. Limited light and I think I hate my organization.
Timothy. Ugh. Why didn't you just get the first place. And why were the two laces you showed me nothing like what you showed Peace Corps before? I just want a nice place!!!
Did lots of nothing today. Also my hotel room is nicer than my actual house adorned with a balcony and a toilet. Nothing of the sort in my place. At least there is supposedly electricity.
So I'm not such a happy camper today. I actually cried. Being spoiled yes I know, but it's only because of standards. If I hadn't seen what was available I would have been fine. Instead I have a bathroom with no toilet and currently no water as my only source of tap in my house. Yup. No kitchen. Yay. Not.
So I will sit and have a pity party for myself. No invitation needed.
Day 76
Today I was sworn in.
I also took a nap today. That was a new thing. A much needed new thing. I must say I love naps. Little kids don't know hat they're missing. What I would give to have nap time incorporated into my daily routine.
Anyways. Was sworn in. It was kind of awkward and took something like a lifetime to happen, but all in all I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer now!! Whoot!!!
And my two years begins. Excited to finally get to site. They say I should be leaving tomorrow which I'm so amped for!!!
Nervous about my house though. Extremely.
Met some Rwandan boy tonight who was cool. We went to Fang Fang tonight which was so tasty. Expensive, but oh so tasty!! In love with good food options. Yum. Had sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice. So yum.
Then we went out to this place called Mish Mash. I'm not sure if I wasn't supposed to go there and I was hella nervous to be out in Kampala, Uganda, but I got there and I relaxed immediately. Felt like I was back in America.
Girls had piercings in their faces. The amount of white/foreign people was ridiculous and everyone was friendly and so nice. Met this guy named Trevor and a girl named Sarang. She was a sweetie from Korea. Had a cigarette in a tree fort and heard for the second time a Ugandan speak about gay. It was crazy. I liked it.
The Rwandan boy was not too impressed. Oh well.
Left that place to go to Steakout which had such good music and damn can that little Korean girl dance!! I was put to shame not like I'm not always put to shame when it comes to dancing, but whatever.
All in all it was a good night. I felt safe an had fun. All the way up until we got back to te hotel. The Rwandan boy was staying there too and she kept coming to my room and was saying he was scared of the dark and can I stay with him. No sir. Didn't I tell you stuff earlier.
I swear. Boys. Ugh. Other than that though. My first day as a Peace Corps Volunteer? Pretty legit.
One day down something like 729 to go.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Day 75
It's Monday.
Even though I'm not currently 'working' I still effing hate Mondays. Yuck.
Went to Peace Corps office today. Yay. Whatever.
Went to AIC head office. Talked about gay. Funny. Beer thought it would come up here, but they are looking to target and reach men who have sex with men (MSM). I'm in love.
Thank fuck that anal sex is being recognized. Gheeze.
I'm sitting. Alone. On the balcony of the Annex. Just smoked two cigarettes to my face. I'm ready to leave Kampala.
God. What am I doing with my life? Seriously though. What am I doing?
Uganda. Africa.
What is the point?
I've been super Debbie Downer lately. I don't like it.
But as I was sitting here smoking my cigarette I was thinking how I was slowly killing myself and why and if I quit, I could prevent cancer. Then I came to the conclusion that cancer isn't preventable no matter what you do. It takes the lives of healthy never smoked a thing in their lives people. Workout people. It gets them all.
And yes. I am now Morbid Melissa.
Day 74
PCVs showed up last night!!!!
Thank fuck.
Today was also Sunday. I for sure thought it wasn't although I'm not sure what day it was. I was just sure that tomorrow was not Monday.
Saw a neighbor told them all my home stories.
Everyone keeps asking what kind of food I brought back. I didn't really. I brought back things that I didn't think I would be able to readily did here like already paid for towels and spices and protein bars and a skillet amongst some other random things. Did pack veet strips. Oh thank heavens.
Wet to Game today which is a Walmart store in Africa. I bought dumbbell a and an air pump. That cost me $100 American dollars. Gheeze. If its not produce, everything is soooooo expensive here. Golly. Ugh.
Yeah. So got those and I don't even know how heavy those weights are. Why can't things just be in pounds? I'm hoping they are closer to ten pounds than anything. 7.5 kg. where are the lbs?!?
Although, I suppose I could just google it.
Yup. Missing my unlimited data right about now.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Day 73
First day in Kampala. Alone.
Well if this doesn't suck.
Did lots of nothing. Smoked cigarettes. Nearly lost my room because silly me didn't say how many nights I was staying for. Right. How many nights am I staying for.
Paul one of the Peace Corps admin felt sorry for me and invited me to dinner. It was nice. Red wine. Spinach. Butternut squash soup. As homemade pizza. Yum.
It was a pleasant evening to an in eventful day. Oh an I also like his wife.
Wish I would have broke out of this jail cell for real today and seen other PCVs. No such luck. So thank you Paul. Us western New Yorkers have to stick together.
'Preciate it.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Day 72
And I'm back in Uganda.
Got in this lovely Friday night around eleven. Didn't fall asleep in the car which was a miracle. Carried my bag somehow partway which was also a miracle.
Jerked around at the hotel as the owner talked to me from a balcony with all the lights off. Thank you for my driver who got me out of there and took me to the Annex where I did get a room, but a roach infested one.
I'm pretty sure that at the end of all this I'm going to keep cockroaches as pets and name them cute little cute names.
Eff my lowering standards.
Time clock all messed up.
Listening to the man in the room next door snore his life away. If only I were doing the same.
It's hot here. Tried to sleep under the covers. No such luck tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm going to open the window and see how that works.
Cockroach in the room as soon as I opened the door. Ah. Uganda. How I've missed you.
May not see my house until after Monday. It's gonna be Saturday tomorrow. That's a lot of days of waiting. Not impressed.
Have to go into the Peace Corps office on Monday. I was requested.
No one told me anything though until I got the email just today. So I'm assuming it was sent yesterday, but why would you send it when I was traveling? And it wasn't sent yesterday as I had wifi earlier today. Ugh.
I didn't even know where I was sleeping tonight.
Funny. I'm sleeping in the room of that Austrian woman I met just two weeks ago. Seems like it was so much longer. So much has happened since then.
Day 71
Happy 4th
Stuck on a plane. Gross.
I'm ready for this day, this trip to be over. Made a friend on my first flight.
Fell asleep on my second before take off even happened and didn't wake up until food was served. I didn't even know I was sleeping.
Now that is exhaustion.
Also I now apparently live for airplane food. I always want the chicken. And the cheese and crackers. So good.
Now to sit an wait for my next flight.
I hate the Amsterdam airport by the way. Absolutely loathe it.
Day 70
Time to face the parents. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be sick.
Finally took my mefloquine today. Gheezeus am I trying to get malaria?!?
I'm less sick than when I first started my trip though. I seriously thought I was dying.
I had to tell God that my mom couldn't handle that right now and if he could just hold off for a bit. He either listened or it was never in the plans.
I'm hoping for a mixture.
Dad was cool. Totally in goof state, but cool. A little less enthused than I had hoped, but mom was kind of the same.
It was late though when mom was informed as I decided to venture to Target for pre-departure packing.
Mistake. I ended up nearly in tears and sat on the floor while also reorganizing the shelves due to lack of sleep which then resulted in high levels of indecision.
I'm a mess.
Attic searching and then packing.
Picked up a friends computer today. That freaks me out a little. I hate responsibility.
I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be ready for it. I'm pretty sure that's where my immaturity blooms from.
It's decided. I never want to grow up.
Day 69
So thanks to remarkable planning I was day drunk today over stress off of red delicious wine.
Can not believe my life right now.
Got the kick out phone call from the hotel staff. Those are my favorite phone calls.
Met up with Katie and Thamara at Blue Monk. Expensive ass beer. Tasty, but expensive.
That was nice. Got into an argument then over it quickly.
Ate Jim's. Oh glorious Jim's. I swear. All the weight I lost in Uganda, I'm packing it back on. I feel like I'm preparing myself for winter. Except not. Cuz Uganda is hot as balls.
I think I'm an alcoholic who doesn't attend the meetings. Just as a side note.
Drown those sorrows lost girl. Drown 'em.
Day 68
Fireworks and must I say omg. There is news. July 1st/2nd because technically it was after midnight. Oh my God.
Can't believe my life right now.
Revisited the Rabba Plaza. The Rabba Plaza I say and I feel like holy hell. Is this real?!?
This is my life. A movie. I need to write a book.
I think I'm going to throw up.
The fireworks were beautiful. We had perfect seats.
So happy to be dating a Canadian.
Especially since I wasn't paying $24 to go to a Bisons game. Nope. I don't care how bad I wanted to see fireworks. I'm not paying for freedom. And I'm not laying out almost thirty bucks to not watch a minor league baseball team. Sorry Buffalo.
Yeah. Today was epic.
Day 67
Dad's birthday. Made it home to spend the day with him and fully maintain my overgrown patches of bush swathed across various regions of my body.
I'm wiped. Completely. Happy neither mom or myself killed us on this trip. We are both so drained.
And that is the moment where, judge me if you'd like, but I would rather be drunk and driving (not black out as I hear some people refer to their nights (I still have some class)), than tired. Tired driving to me is the most dangerous. They've done studies. Read up. Again. Not condoning drinking and driving. I'm just saying they are both bad.
Glad to see dad today. Went to breakfast. Got to see nene. Argued with nene. Yelled at nene. What am I doing? Did I just learn nothing? Because life is too short for relational strains.
So we made phone calls today. Uncle mark. Uncle Ward. Grandpa. Grandma. Aunt Linda. So many people. That's what counts though. That's all that really counts.
And today I decided its a great day to be dating a Canadian. I still get to see fireworks. Thank you Canada for wanting to be America. I salute you.
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