No shoes. Apparently, the driver says that someone must have stolen them at the post office. Too bad I know that's not true.
Looks like I'll be finding them in the market.
We had to prepare an entertainment bit for our homestay families tomorrow. We are performing the YMCA, the ChaCha Slide, and the Hokey Pokey. We are all going to limbo. It's a little ridiculous and crazy, but it should be a good time.
I felt isolated today. Partly I feel that no one gets me and that I don't belong, or at least that was my feeling today. It's difficult to describe with real words, it made me feel to write today though reflecting on unedited emotions.
I started.
I stopped.
I'm missing home today. Wanting to call everyone. Ooh. Found my language notebook which I thought I lost, but now it's ok. Everything is right again.
So excited to be over this experience. Two years can not go by fast enough.
I wonder if I will feel this way with three months left of service.
Oh and since I've been planning my life since I got here, it's been decided that I will travel, still hoping to make it home for my brother's 21st bday, but looking at the way things are going now... Well I can't make any predictions actually as that's literally two years from now. We shall see.
Oh. Ate an egg today. The yolk was the same color as the whites. It was weird. I wanted to throw up.
God please help me to overcome the nasty. Today I picked my nose like it was no big. I'm getting grosser by the day. That's one thing. Picking your nose here is aye ohkay and its sending me the wrong message. Monkey see. Monkey do. And I did today. I mean everyone picks their nose, but I hope that most try to be discreet about it. Not Ugandans. It's funny. Burping or farting it picking your nose, mostly picking your nose any and everywhere is not uncommon.
You need to pick, you pick. Doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing. And there are no excuse mes after burping or farting and sneeze acknowledgment? Doesn't exist. I'm going to forget how to function as an American two years from now. God help.
That is all.
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