I made a facebook status a few weeks ago that said I hope stupid isn't contagious. I really do hope it isn't because it seems that everyone is just stupid nowadays. I don't get it. And not only is everyone stupid, but it seems like they think it is cool to be stupid. Half the time I am wishing that I could fill my brain with more things, knowledgeable things and yet half wits are walking around saying the stupidest things and laughing about it like it is really funny and cute to be stupid. I am going to go ahead and blame Jessica Simpson for this. Her and that damned show. If she didn't have the damn show and Nick Lachey.
I'm so tired of stupid people trying to talk to me. Stop trying to get at me with that stupid little lingo. Do you really think that talking to me like that is going to work? It doesn't turn me on. It actually turns me off because I just can't handle stupid people and the way you just put those letters together to form that word?
"What up doe?" -- I mean really? Did you really just say that to me? What up doe? Like I have been called a female animal before, but never a female deer, so I'm just wondering... what are you saying? Really? And stop asking me what's good. We are not at a restaurant, there is no menu in front of us. You know, I don't really know what is good. Never been here before. Why is it so difficult to say how are you? Why not ask me about my day? Anything interesting happen? Hell, ask me about the weather, but if you ask me what is good one more time, trust and believe that I can show you better than I can tell you and I'm pretty sure you'll be wanting your money back. That's the kind of show it will be.
So... yeah... that was lazy and why must I think harder to understand just what the heck you are trying to say to me? Why do I feel like I need a pocket translator to get on with this conversation? It shouldn't be like this. It really shouldn't. I mean we both leave in North America right? Is that English you're speaking? And I'm wondering... do you talk to your mother like that? If you don't talk to your mother like that then why would you talk to me like that? If your mother talks the way you do, then just don't talk at all. And if you do talk to your mother like that, still don't talk to me like that because I just don't know what you are saying. It shouldn't have to be a guessing game. If I am asking you to define more than fifty percent of what you say to me, that's just too much and maybe you need to reevaluate your mixture of recognized slang usage and the rest of the English language, because I just can't. I can't understand you and we speak the same language. That's a problem. Fix it.
I swear people just think it is cute to be stupid like knowledge is the wrong thing to have. Knowledge is the one thing that you can manage to impart to others without having your own supply diminish. Knowledge is the one thing that you can hold on to until death without it depleting in value (to people who understand its importance) or quantity. Please people. Open up a book so your mind can open up too. I don't understand how a girl decided to talk about how she hates how when people get into relationships and the partner starts dictating who the person can and can not see. She said that it just doesn't make any "since." What the hell?! Any since? Really? Did you mean to type sense? Because sense fits there. Since you are such an idiot, maybe you can have some sense knocked into you. Maybe? I'm hoping so. I really am.
I understand that technology also plays a part in this because I have also lost my ability to spell, but since and sense? No. I can't spell words like onomatopoeia and crap and crap, the stupid mac auto corrected it for me and everything, so it is spelled right. God, see. Technology makes us too dependent. Stop auto correcting me. Make me learn about my mistakes. I like PCs better. They just red underline me. They do not auto correct me. They give me a chance to make my brain think. One day we will have machines to do that for us though. I mean seriously people. Do you realize all that you are missing? Technology is taking over. Facebook is the new news. That is not good.
I found out today that an old professor of mine passed away. My friend Facebook chatted me about it and he said that he found out through Facebook. It is sad that a social networking site is our first place for news. That is where we find things out about each other and the world. He asked what that says about our culture and it says that we are highly dependent on non interactive, non face to face contact. Words on a screen, while we are except for our fingers, stationary and silent. Not a word passes our lips. We do not speak to one another any longer, we text and type and send emoticons because we are unable to express ourselves without stupid little smiley faces, let alone in person. We are losing contact and one day we won't know how to interact without a screen between us. It is a shame when it is so much easier to hang up the phone and then immediately text the person who you were just talking to and tell them things that you could have and should have said with a verbalization, yet we resort to texting because there is a barrier there, a built in guard that keeps us separated from our words and the individual that they are intended for.
We are losing ourselves as a species. We are losing what it means to be human. I want more than to talk to a screen, to read simplistic words. I want to have meaning and memories that are attached to them, not simply late nights with my mac or PC. Is there true intimacy there? Can there be?
So I suppose that I can only expect people to be so damned stupid. If all they are looking at is youtube all day and no one can be bothered to look up from their mobile devices to provide any better an example and technology takes over our thoughts and is a brain for us... I guess then it isn't their fault. But then, I have to wonder, how are some people still making it out alive?
I'm not ready to give up and surrender myself over to megabytes and metal. Scrap that.
Oh, by the way, wanna hang out?
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